Virtual Karaoke Parties: No KTV Bars? No Problem!

Virtual Karaoke Parties are making it easy for fun-loving people to face the possibility that pubs and bars may not reopen as planned on July 04, 2020.

The Watch2Gether music-video streaming app and Zoom video conferencing platform has somehow turned life-after-lockdown around. Combining the technologies of ths two, enable groups of young or old party goers to re-experience the fun of drinking and singing karaoke-style together, even if if virtually.

Besides, even if bars and pubs reopen, the new norm will have people drinking six feet apart from each other. The setting is hardly appealing for those who find enjoyment in drinking in the company of friends. Procuring drinks won’t be a problem either, since there are a lot of establishments that transitioned into the food and/or alcohol delivery business, ever since COVID-19 lockdowns were imposed.

Moreover, people aren’t supposed to be outside of their homes, once the curfew is up, which makes a night out drinking difficult and potentially problematic.

The only thing left for a new karaoke-party host to do, is to get pointers and tips on how to set up a karaoke room where the sing-along-entertainment will take place; albeit guests will have their individual drinking session in the comfort and safety of their respective home. .

Other Choices of Music Video Streaming Apps and Video Conferencing Platforms


First off, be in the know there are alternatives to the Watch2Gether app, such as Rave, Sync Video, Showgoers, Together Tube and SynchTube. Aside from being the host, you may also have to act as the Karaoke Jockey (KJ). You might want to consider looking over other tech providers just to make the YouTube or Vimeo music videos will streamline seamlessly.

It will help to remind your virtual Karaoke Party attendees to sign for a free Watch2Gether account, in case they want to save and watch your music room event for later. Otherwise, the room will be considered temporary and will be deleted within 24 hours.

The video conferencing service does not have to be Zoom either. Some invitees might not feel comfortable in using the platform because of the many negative feedback that came out at the wake of its launch. Get a feel of what might be the general preference, as others might like to stick to the older brands like Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex or Skype.

Take note that free Zoom use, imposes a 40-minute time limit for every three or more participants.

Assemble the Karaoke Song List in Advance


Once you have sent out invites, ask those who are sure to join to provide you with the song they plan to sing. Another way to go about this is to compile a list of popular Karaoke song selections to the virtual Karaoke room. Everytime you receive a reply about a song choice, create a playback cue by hitting the plus sign when the song comes up. During the virtual drinking party, the playback cue will streamline the process by which guests get their turn to sing along with the music video.

Also be sure to indicate the link for the Zoom Party and the Watch2Gether link for the Karaoke-room If your invitees will be experiencing a virtual Karaoke Party for the first time, it would be best to explain that the Zoom link will allow them access to the videoconferencing platform, while the Watch2Gether link will enable all participants to watch the music videos simultaneously, to be shown in accordance with the playback list.

Independent Music Artists Have Ushered in Significant Changes in the Music Recording Industry

Advancements in technology, particularly in the music recording aspect, enabled artists to produce their own records. Digital technology has practically liberated many musicians from the need to enter into stifling contracts with established record label companies, by having their own recording business and using their proprietary labels.

The CEO of the Association of Independent Music (AIM), Paul Pacifico, commented that technology has reduced many of the barriers in the music industry, resulting to lowerings of production equipment costs and costs of support services, as well as improved the efficiency of supply chain resources. Mr. Pacifico says

Today, artists are pretty much music entrepreneurs in their own right, building and running owner-operated companies.

Not a few artists though, who nurture hopes of becoming independent music entrepreneurs, have the capital funding to use in seeding their own music business. Yet a company called Amuse has recognized this need, as well as the changes that have been taking place in the music industry.

According to the latest report by MIDiA Research, a company fielded by Amuse to evaluate how independent music producers are faring, there are now more musicians who succeed in penetrating the music business without the help of established labels. The report further stated that on a global scale, independent music artists are in fact, the fastest-growing sector of the music recording business. The MIDiA study found out that independent musician entrepreneurs were able to generate over $643 million in 2018, which represents a 35% increase from the figures noted in 2017. .

About Amuse Record Label and Distribution Service Company

Founded by a group of experts in music and technology as Amuseio AB in Stockholm, Sweden, this record label company, provides music entrepreneurs a free platform with which to distribute their work. At the same time, Amuse permits artists who use their free service, to retain 100% of whatever royalties they make at their own rate.

Amuse CEO Diego Farias, co-founded the company in 2015 with Christian Wilsson – Director of Product and Technology Jimmy Brodd – Director of Technology, Andreas Ahlenius – Chief Product Officer and Guy Parry – Head of Products. In 2017, Black-Eyed Peas member and 7-time Grammy Award winner, will, joined the Amuse board as a co-founding member; rendering his expertise as creative innovator and entrepreneur.

The reason why Amuse is providing a free platform, is that the approach enables the company to discover new talents whom they believe will help them generate better record label. Using data collected by its free distribution platform, the company is able to identify artists to whom they can offer a licensing deal that covers branding, public relations, marketing strategic planning and financing. In any project undertaken under a short-term licensing deal, Amuse shoulders all upfront costs then later splits the profit 50-50 with the artist.

CEO Farias remarked that younger musicians are less knowledgeable when it comes to the concept of management, as most of them are into music production out of passion for music; and not so much on the commercial success. That is why they see short-term contracts as a better way of empowering new artists in having control of their work.

Still, the MIDiA report found that 59% of independent music artists they surveyed, indicated experiencing frequent worries over their financial position. Forty-eight percent of label artists made the same admission.

Perhaps, one thing the new breed of independent artists is overlooking is the need to have a business plan, which is essential for any kind of entrepreneurial venture. Since most of their time and effort are devoted to their passion for music, it would be wise for independent music entrepreneurs to hire a professional business plan writer