Music is Good for Children

Did you notice that children love to listen to music? Before every child is born they have been hearing different sounds inside the womb. Expecting mothers let their unborn child listen to calming and soothing music. Expectant mothers believe in the phrase “Mozart Effect”. This is a popular activity among pregnant women wherein they play classical music to their unborn child in the belief that it will enhance their baby’s intelligence.

Here are some good effects of music to children:

  • Music brings out a child’s creativity and imagination.
  • The listening skills of children are strengthened through music.
  • Music improves the attention span in many children.
  • Music is a medium to help increase their language skills. This also includes oral and written language
  • Music sharpens their social and intellectual skills. It also enhances their learning process.
  • Music calms a crying baby. Aside from reading books to them research has proven that babies are more attracted to the sound of music over speech. Turning on some children’s music or nursery rhymes catches their attention. Read books that can also enhance their imagination. Love Harry Potter books?
  • Music is known to reduce loneliness and depression among children.
  • Music therapy is used to help a child with special needs.

Music Benefits to Kids – First With Kids – UVM Children’s Hospital

What kind of music should children listen too? As a parent we should be careful and aware of the kinds of music we play to our children. We should be in control of the songs they listen to. Here are ways to determine if the music our child listens to is good for them:

  1. When selecting a genre of music for our kids we should take to consider how it affects their interaction. Remember that children react to music. They make perform actions when a music plays like dancing, clapping and singing. This effect of music stimulates their brain. When choosing a music or a song to play to your child, selects songs that he can follow and sing, songs that will make him dance and be active.
  2. Play a variation of music. Choose songs that are appropriate for them. Make them listen to songs that will develop their communication skills. Incorporate songs so that they will learn to appreciate their own culture and others as well.  As you play music to your child, slowly introduce them to the music you love to listen to. Let them listen to music with a mixture of tempo, rhythms and beats.
  3. Introduce your children to Classical music. This type of music can help introduce different musical instruments. It will broaden their knowledge on this.
  4. Avoid music that has plays a foul and adult language. Choose child friendly music. Listen to the lyrics and not the tune. Know what is inappropriate, parents know best!